

The Cybersecurity Foundation is a leading Polish non-profit organization that consistently works to enhance the security of cyberspace. Our goal is to protect society, companies, and institutions from digital threats through three main areas of activity: raising awareness of cyber threats, supporting incident management resulting from cyberattacks, and conducting research and development in the field of cybersecurity.

Our practical and innovative activities encompass a wide range of initiatives that have gained recognition both nationally and internationally. We organize Cyber-EXE Poland exercises, which have been popular for many years, and the KSC-EXE 2020 edition was the first Polish exercise resulting from the National Cybersecurity System Act. For many years, we have been organizing the Security Case Study conference, which attracts experts from around the world. Our podcast Cyber Cyber and the simulation game “Cyber Fortress” are further initiatives that help increase awareness and preparedness for digital threats. We collaborate with universities to implement custom educational programs in MBA studies, including at the Warsaw University of Technology, the Military University of Technology, and the Naval Academy.

The Cybersecurity Foundation is also an active participant in international cybersecurity efforts. We take part in exercises, meetings, and organize training for response teams, which allows us to continuously exchange knowledge and experience with partners worldwide.

Our commitment also includes active participation in legislative processes, such as the implementation of the NIS1 and NIS2 directives and the GDPR regulation, demonstrating our influence on shaping digital security policies at both national and European levels.

The Cybersecurity Foundation is a dynamic and competent organization, ready to collaborate with various entities to build a safer cyberspace. We invite you to cooperate and work together for digital security.